What is EarthShare of Georgia?

Our Mission

EarthShare of Georgia connects people to trusted nonprofit organizations dedicated to conserving and protecting our air, land and water.

Our Vision

EarthShare of Georgia is working for the day when our air, land and water are clean, abundant and healthy.


EarthShare of Georgia was founded in 1992 by its member groups as the Environmental Fund for Georgia to represent them in employee giving campaigns, and to provide an efficient and secure way to to manage donations.

In 2001, the Environmental Fund for Georgia officially affiliated with EarthShare, the national employee giving program, to  become part of a network representing more than 400 environmental groups working locally, nationally, and internationally.  This affiliation streamlined representation and facilitated the ability to meet the needs of multi-state employers to organize a single campaign under one name, EarthShare.  It also brought with it the fundraising power of the EarthShare network which has raised more than $250 million for the environment.

Employee giving campaigns for EarthShare of Georgia have grown steadily each year from eight in 1993 to more than 80 in 2013, representing nearly 400,000 employees in the public and private sectors.



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