Team Up to Green Up!
EarthShare of Georgia is partnering with the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA) on a stream clean-up of Grove Park in NW Atlanta on Saturday, November 14, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. We invite you to participate as a company team! Grove Park is in the Proctor Creek watershed, one of the most threatened watersheds in the Atlanta area. It is also part of the English Avenue revitalization efforts supported by many of the local member groups EarthShare of Georgia helps support year-round.
Shannon Lee, with the Conservation Fund, and an EarthShare of Georgia board member, coordinated the recent opening of Lindsay Street Park in the same area and will join us at the event, along with Na’Taki Osborne-Jelks, from WAWA, to provide an overview of the work the organization is doing.
Your company’s participation can included as part of our Corporate Sustainer Program which includes Earth Day sponsorship – or you can register organizations for the volunteer day individually for $500 per company. Children ages 12 and up are welcome with a supervising adult and can participate in a fun geocaching acitivity! Space is limited so please register by Monday, November 9! What better way to spend a fall morning in Atlanta than by helping our environment and community?!