2019 Earth Day Events

Corporate Green Day Challenge – More Information | Become a Sponsor to Form a Team

Wait! When’s the Party? It’s now in May! Celebrate with us!

EarthShare Georgia Celebrates Party – More Information | Register to Attend

This year’s Earth Day theme is LAND. Our Earth Day Leadership Breakfast on April 18 at The Fairmont will begin with keynote speaker Beth Wytiaz, SVP, Global Environmental Operations Manager at Bank of America. A lively panel discussion will follow Beth’s presentation, including conversations about land conservation issues, both locally and nationally, and how environmental sustainability has a direct relationship to building stronger and more resilient communities. The EarthShare Georgia Celebrates Party on May 30 will follow our annual meeting at the Roebuck Room at Ponce City Market and feature member group accomplishments that have made a positive impact on our air, land and water.

Contact Madeline Reamy, ExecutiveDirector, [email protected] or Trecinia Wiggins, Development and Employee Engagement Manager, [email protected] for more information.